Sunday, March 25, 2007

Night shift

It's nice having a couple of clubs that play live music only two blocks from you house. It means after biking home from work you can stumble over and catch some tunes while you recuperate. In this case The Phantom Shifters and Starvin' Hungry. If The Phantom Shifters keep playing out at this rate I'm going to have seen them more times after their breakup than before.

I had to lean over the speakers on the right side of the show to take this shot. Not for the view - so I didn't fall over.

Ryan's back to two strings, as nature intended.

Chris keeps the beat.

Greg rocks the Ampeg.

Somewhat blurry faceoff action!

Singalong action!

The whole lot!

As pummelling as usual.
  • Show reminder: Tanya Janca releases her new CD at The Rainbow with Andre Bourbonnais; Castanets and Books On Books perform at Zaphod's (Shapes & Sizes apparently didn't feel fit enough to show).

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