Sunday, December 17, 2006

Dear John

What's going to happen to The John Henrys?!? Rey Sabatin is off to the big city - Toronto, that is. This was a going away show of sorts, but I don't hear anything about calling it quits, so no doubt he'll be doing the commute thing. This was a lively show with an audience in a mood to dance.

I'd say Rey was about to go, but it's been about three weeks since this show so maybe he's left!

A well-micced Geoff Ward.

Steve Tatone gets a little too much flash ... I blame the backdrop.

Doug Gouthro bends - strings and himself.

Actually they can't call it a day - not after they spent all that cash on Western shirts.

Faceoff action!

Everybody's doing it ...

Guitars, guitars, guitars ...

Singalong action!

We haven't heard the last, etc.

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