Saturday, April 08, 2006

By the sea

I hopped on the No. 2 bus to get to the Carleton Tavern - my first time at the venue to see some Kelp acts rock it up in the afternoon. I had a dinner date to keep so I only saw one Kelp act and one non-Kelp crew, but such is life. Here's a couple of advance photos for some more serious blogging when time allows.

First, Run Stop Restore with Chris Cook and brothers Jim and John Sproull (Joey Vienneau's off to the right).

Then, Andrew Vincent and his Pirates, Scott Terry and Bryan Curry.

I also bought the new, and quite smashing-looking, Camp Radio limited edition LP. While I was waiting at the bus stop with the LP in the hand, a lady passing by remarked "Oh, it's out!" Turned out to be the wife of bass player and ubiquitous Little Bullhorn supremo Dave Draves. Ottawa is a small town, strung together by Kelp ... the Barrymore's show with The Acorn, Flecton & The Big Sky Orchestra, Detective Kalita and The Recoilers starts in just an hour or two ...

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