Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Bar none

The Barmitzvah Brothers, as far as I can determine, are neither brothers nor bar mitzvahed (or bat mitzvahed, in the case of the distaff half of the quartet). Off-kilter lo-fi pop about kids putting out their own CD, birds, untrustworthy promoters, persistent creeps and the like are played on a wide variety of instruments, including an Omnichord and a really sparkly no-name bass. They're a very young band.

Jenny Mitchell, Geordie Gordon (the son of Tamarack chap James Gordon, incidentally) indulge in some keyboard action.

Drummer "Little" John Jemeson Merritt is the son of Overworked and Under-privileged songwriter Scott - and he has a spiffy new haircut, too! Sylvie Smith plays the washboard. Smith, along with a lady named Sister Caitlin Hurst, is one of two "ringers" brought in to augment the band as need be.

Mitchell plays that sparkly bass while Gordon and Smith tickle the ivories.

Singalong action. I'm not sure why Gordon looks like he's been stuck under UV lights and then punched in the mouth. He wasn't nearly as red in other pictures ...

Lo-fi Omnichord pop action!

They were certainly entertaining and also darn cute.

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