Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Get an Eyeful

The Reverend Glasseye rounded out the night's performance at Babylon - hallelujah, brothers and sisters! The Reverend's congregation has undergone alterations ... new standup bass player and a fetching new trombonist. Trumpeter Jon Wobesky didn't tour with them but he came up to Ottawa just to play the showcase.

During the show Adam confessed an aspiration to become a boxer "But just look at me!" So he had to choose a similarly lowly occupation: Musician. But he still gets to throw the odd punch, or at least flail about in a lifelike manner.

Piet Masone and his fingers of fire!

Still too much red, which is why this picture of the Rev pointing out the group's newest member, Cassandra Lomas, is in black and white.

Some sort of preaching was going on, I recall.

That bass player, Paul Z. Dilly, and drummer Tim Maher.

The horn section - Kevin Corzett, Lomas and Wobetsky - extends its range.

Kevin sings along.

Yodelling Piet and fulminating Adam.

Entertaining as always!
  • Electrical news: Magnolia Electric Co. will play the same fine establishment August 6, along with Pittsburgh rappers (yes, you did read that correctly) Grand Buffet and local yokels Greenfield Main. Contrary to an earlier report, British rockers The Divine Brown will not be blowing through Barrymore's July 9 - apparently it's just Divine Brown, who is someone completely different.

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