On to Loviatar, who were on a tear earlier this year, releasing EPs and what-not. Things seem to have cooled off a bit lately, but back in January there was a lot of action.
Wah action!
Rhythm section action!
Justin strums!
J.P. hits!
More rhythm!
Grimacing action!
And so on!
In the interim they released yyet another EP, but so far things seem to be on the quiet side.
I'm an inveterate show-goer and photographer from Ottawa, Canada, and take copious pictures of live shows, most of which can be seen here on my blog or on Flickr. You can also follow me on Twitter, or on Tumblr. Past show and music reviews can also be found at Penny Black Music.
All contents are copyright Andrew Carver, except for album covers and the work of other photographers. Bands are free to reproduce photos of themselves on their blogs and websites; please don't use them elsewhere without permission. Most photos after April 2006 are linked to a larger version. I can be reached at andcarver "at" hotmail.com.
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