Greenish action!

Anne-Marie hits!

Kenneth rocks the SG.

Gripping and Grady action!

Mish lurks.

The whole lot!

More monochromatic Mish action!

Extra Anne-Marie1

Drinking action!

More Grady!

The end!

They're back at Babylon on Thursday with Pregnancy Scares (that's frontman Craig in the Screamers jacket, in fact) and Critical Convictions.
- Show reminder: Ned Madison gets funky at the Avant-Garde; Stick Together, Badlands, Easy Way Out, Sabotage, At Odds, Raw Style and Vanishing Point punk it up at Montgomery Legion Hall; The Bigmuffs, FutureSnake and The Possessed rock Zaphod Beeblebrox; Pop Culture Icons, Pretty Little Death Machine, Letters from the Princess and It's Asshole Time rock Cafe Dekcuf; Wicked Grin performs at the Rainbow; Kelly Sloan and Ryan Cook play Irene's; The Flats release their new CD at the Elmdale with an assist from Montreal's Sunfields.