Continuing in the theme of "loud shows in April at Black Squirrel Books," we have Loviatar's debut between the stacks (of books, that is, not amplifiers - they probably already had that covered), alongside Sherbrooke sludge lords Aulnes and local shredders Hunter Gatherer, who kicked things off. Unfortunately I missed most of their set, so here's a trio of snaps featuring guitarist Garrett and drummer Kelso.
More gathering action!
Singing drummer action!
On to Aulnes, who played a crushing set.
Percussive action!
The whole lot!
Headbanging action!
Closeup action!
Rhythm section action!
Loviatar brought it all home. Here's Justin and Mike!
J.P. hits!
Shane frets!
The whole lot!
Rhythm section action!
Justin sings!
Good stuff all around!
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