Julie Doiron has put out a wide range of music: I've seen her play quiet, sing-songwriter stuff, and eardrum-crushing rock. With Julie and The Wrong Guys, things are definitely on the loud end of the spectrum. The gal and the guys did an Ontario mini-tour in mid-December, and stopped off at The 27 Club for a show with Mushy Gushy and Saint Clare. Here's Matt from Saint Clare, getting ready to rock and roll!
Guitar action with Richard!
Nick works the trombone!
More Richard and Ryan!
Keyboard action with Casey!
Saintly action!
Daniel hits!
More guitar!
Matthew sings!
More Ryan!
More Casey!
The whole lot (regular saxophonist Morgan was elesewhere for this gig)!
Mushy Gushy were up next with some rocking action. Here's Daniel!
Guitar action with Cory!
More Daniel!
Mushy action!
Jon sings!
Percussive action with Kyle!
More John!
The whole lot!
More Kyle!
The last time I saw Julie and The Wrong Guys was at Cafe DeKcuf back in September 2012, where they turned up the volume and jumped around quite a bit. I think they were even louder this time around. Here's Eamon McGrath and Jaye from the Cancer Bats!
Julie sings!
Julie sings!
Mike hits!
Singalong action with Eamon and Jaye!
Jaye adjusts that dial!
Hair tossing action!
Extra Julie!
More Eamon!
And now for some closeup action, starting with Julie.
Eamon works the keys.
Face-to-face action!
More guitar!
A great bunch of sets.