Guitar action with Adam!

Kat sings!

Shelby sings!

More Adam!

Alex hits!

Keyboard action with Ryan!

Patchy action!

Retail action!

And so on!

Singalong action!

There was a big contingent of Ohio bands up this year, starting with the oddball activity of Cincinatti's Mardou. Here's some wiggy action with Dylan (who also plays drums in Vacation)!

Percussive action with Jerri (who also sings in Vacation)!

Guitar action!

Rhythm section action!

Extra Dylan!

Keyboard action!

More singing!

I headed back inside for a crushing display of hardcore from Montreal's F.I.T.S. (who along with Gazm were one of the festival's highlights).

The shouty bit!

The whole lot!

More guitar!

Bass action!

And so on!

Rhythm section action!

Hardcore action!

Then it was time to head back outside for a quick dose of TV Freaks. Here's Dave and the gang!

Bass action!

Closeup action!

Bendy action!

Illuminated action!

Rhythm section action!

Guitar action!

Nathan hits!

There was more top notch hardcore action inside with Gazm.

Guitar action!

Crowd participation action!

Jumping action!

Percussive action!

Gazmic action!

More percussive action!

Rhythm section action!

Shirtless action!

My last show of the night was Aye Nako outside, with some LGBTQ-oriented tangled-pop. Here's guitarist Jade!

And here's bassist Joe and the other half of the band's songwriting crew, Mars.

Fender action!

More Mars!

Percussive action with Angie!

More Jade!

Rhythm section action!

There was a bunch of other stuff going on at different venues, but that was it for me - I had to split for some family business.