Symbolic action with Nate and Jason!

Band action with Dave and John!

Trumpet action with Scott!

John hits!

Nate likes the classics.

More Bill!

Jason adjusts!

Feedback action with Dave!

More Scott!

Extra symbolism!

Slow Dawn cranked up the feedback and the volume for an eardrum-ripping set. Here's some gripping action with Dan!

Illuminated action with Chris!

Flashy action with Sean!

More Chris!

Extra Sean!

Dawning action with Dan and Jesse!

It's a hit!

Peeling have a bit more song structure than their opening acts, but still more than enough fuzz and scuzz to satisfy the heads. They're a "supergroup" of sorts on the Big Smoke's underground, with members of Dilly Dally and Odonis Odonis, among others (Alejandro of Humanities and various Ottawa combos was or is also a member, but he wasn't around for this set). This was the first stop on a tour that's also taken them down through the U.S. and out west - they should be en route to Saskatoon about now. Here's guitarist Alana!

Annabelle sings!

Bass action with Jimmy!

Percussive action!

Annabelle sings!

More guitar!

Even more Annabelle!

All very cool stuff.