Another trip to Targ, another triple dose from the outer limits of the musical brain. Headliner U.S. Out Of Vietnam is the latest project from national musical treasure Johnathan Cummins of Bionic, with local instrumental heavyweights The Band Whose Name Is A Symbol and new combo Butterscotch Palace starting things off. Of course, when I say "new," I mean a bunch of folks you've seen in other bands going back many years, starting with Ian of Boom Creek, Four Frames and sundry other combos.
Rhythm section action with Albert (of The Four Frames and Capital Grass and The No-Men) and Todd!
Guitar action with Wayne, brother of Albert and veteran of the aforementioned bands!
Buttery action!
Projected action!
Silhouetted action!
The end!
There was more projection going on during The Band Whose Name Is A Symbol's set. Here's drummer John in the kaleidoscopic spotlight!
Adjusting action with Jason!
Sisterly action with Bill (and also Dave and Scott there in the back)!
Bass action with Nate!
John hits!
More Dave and Scott - unfortunately things were a bit darker on stage so most of my photos came out on the grainy side.
Even more Scott!
U.S.A. Out Of Vietnam finished things off with their heavy rock'n'harmonies sound. Here's onetime Doughboy and Bionic man Jonathan!
Percussive action with El Tigre!
More guitar!
Bass action! The band are a pseudonymous lot, so I'm only guessing when I say this is Rockhard.
More singalong action!
Rockhard sings! They do like their harmonies.
Theremin action!
Extra El Tigre!
The audience had a bit of a sit-down for the last tune.
An excellent show!