To the left, Patricia, to the right, Carmel.

Carmel multitasks.

Guitar action with Patricia!

Extra Heather!

Carmel sang a few, too.

And so on!

Erin played tunes from her new EP and some Phil Ochs tunes (she's a big fan).

She was joined by Mike Essoudry on drums, Nicholas Dyson on trumpet and Richard Page on clarinet.

Trumpet action with Nicholas!

Saxophone action with Richard!

Percussive action with Mike!

Keyboard action with Erin!

Cackling action! Erin had wanted to put an updated version of Ochs' Cops Of The World on her new EP, called Cocks Of The World (about a University of Ottawa sexual harassment scandal), but Universal demanded she not on the grounds that it would be offensive - because we all know Phil Ochs never offended anyone.

She finished off with some solo ukulele.

Definitely a bit different from my usual outing.