Thursday, September 29, 2005

Mystery man

I didn't know who was going to start the festivities at Babylon until a day before the show started ... honours went to Rory Lavelle, who used to be in Clark (now Clark the Band). I kept finding blurbs on Google comparing him to Beck. Beck?!? I'm hoping they mean singer-songwriter Howie Beck and not the Loser guy, in which case the comparison is apt. He did a great job all by his lonesome for the small crowd who turned up for The Willowz. Unfortunately I didn't do quite as good a job taking pictures ... here are the two that worked out.

Rory at the piano.

He joked that "It's always a relief when the accordion portion of the show is over." To humble for his own good, he is.

A brief set, which included a dedication to an art teacher who influenced him and who recently passed on, and a fine one.

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