And guitarist Gavin Perry, with his Hi-wattage.

Beatriz hits!

Feedback action!

Bonus Beatriz!

The whole lot!

More Gavin!

Unfortunately Gavin's 100-watt head expired, leaving him with a mere 200.

Mono certainly manage to move around a bit considering three-quarters of the membership spends most of the time sitting down. They have a real knack for dynamics and everything sounded really sharp. Here's mainman Taka Goto and drummer Yasunori.

And here's the other half, guitarist Yoda and bassist/pianist Tamaki..

Yasunori hits!

Sorry, no good Yoda photos this time around.

Singular action!

Hair-swinging action!

And so on!

Tamaki takes a spin on the piano. I suppose this shot of Yoda's not too shabby either.

Gong action!

The whole lot!

Crescendo action!

Floor time!

Then I headed back to the bar so I didn't have to hear the entire set while my hair was being playfully tousled by the speaker stack stage left.
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