Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Rock garden

On to the headliners, Detroit's Gardens, who put on a fine show blending 1960s tuneage with a few modern flourishes.

Shadowy action with drummer Julian Spradlin and singer Jeffrey Thomas!

Gardens at The Dominion

Justin hits!

Gardens at The Dominion

Guitar action with Matt Mueller and bassist Vincent Mazzola!

Gardens at The Dominion

More Jeffrey!

Gardens at The Dominion

Justin sings!

Gardens at The Dominion

Closeup action!

Gardens at The Dominion

And so on!

Gardens at The Dominion

The whole lot!

Gardens at The Dominion

More Matt!

Gardens at The Dominion

Rhythm section action!

Gardens at The Dominion

The whole fisheyed lot!

Gardens at The Dominion


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