Saturday, February 27, 2010

Drink up!

And now we come to the end of our New Year's coverage, involving the usual drinking and dancing and rocking that the time of year entails at Babylon.

Ukrainia! jumps into things.

Ukrainia! at Babylon

Wait, what's that up there?

Ukrainia! at Babylon

Singalong action!

Ukrainia! at Babylon

Downstroking action!

Ukrainia! at Babylon

Tom hits!

Ukrainia! at Babylon

Hilotron and Boycrusher Mike Schultz kicks in some accordion.

Ukrainia! at Babylon

Drinking action!

Ukrainia! at Babylon

Damian sings!

Ukrainia! at Babylon

Faceoff action!

Ukrainia! at Babylon

Bending action!

Ukrainia! at Babylon

The shouty bit.

Ukrainia! at Babylon

More Tom.

Ukrainia! at Babylon

Dave takes a stand.

Ukrainia! at Babylon

The whole lot!

Ukrainia! at Babylon

Big kicks!

Ukrainia! at Babylon

I even shot a bit of video, where everything is so fuzzy they sound like Les Rallizes Denudes.

A nice way to ring in the New Year.

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