Friday, March 29, 2019

New York style

Punk rock tribute nights always seem to be an easy sell in Ottawa, so no surprise that a huge crowd turned out for a triple bill of Suicide, The Ramones and The Police aficionados. First up were local electro combo Mark ii, showing their love for Alan Vega and Martin Rev's influential duo.

Mark ii at House of Targ

Gripping action with Mark!

Mark ii at House of Targ

Dana was working the Rev-style shades.

Mark ii at House of Targ

More Mark!

Mark ii at House of Targ

Electro action!

Mark ii at House of Targ

Suicidal action!

Mark ii at House of Targ

Steve Adamyk was DJing (and hamming it up for the camera).

Steve Adamyk at House of Targ

Rent-A-Cops were on next, covering the police. Here's bassist Rod and guitarist Nick!

Rent-A-Cops at House of Targ

Scott hits!

Rent-A-Cops at House of Targ

More Rod!

Rent-A-Cops at House of Targ

Fender action!

Rent-A-Cops at House of Targ

Extra Scott!

Rent-A-Cops at House of Targ

Nick sings!

Rent-A-Cops at House of Targ

The Raymonds finished things up with a speedy set. I'm not sure who's who under the wigs, so straight on to the photos!

Raymonds at House of Targ

Bass action!

Raymonds at House of Targ

Gripping action!

Raymonds at House of Targ

Gabba gabba hey action!

Raymonds at House of Targ

Mosrite-alike action!

Raymonds at House of Targ

More percussion!

Raymonds at House of Targ

More bass!

Raymonds at House of Targ

A fun night out!

Thursday, March 28, 2019

International affair

On International Women's Day I hopped over to Pressed to check out L CON, the avant electro project of Toronto's Lisa Conway. She was joined by Norway's Synne Sanden and Ottawa's own Merganzer. Merganzer was on first, Playing some violin and a bit of piano.

Merganzer at Pressed

Piano action!

Merganzer at Pressed

Then there was some melancholy piano action from Sanden.

Synne Sanden at Pressed

And so on!

Synne Sanden at Pressed

More piano!

Synne Sanden at Pressed

L CON finished the night off.

L CON at Pressed

Lisa sings!

L CON at Pressed

Smokey action!

L CON at Pressed

She ended her set accompanied  a cassette recorder (I had one just like it when I was a teen ... somewhat more than three decades ago).

L CON at Pressed

Great stuff from all three performers!

Friday, March 22, 2019


On March 4 I toddled over to Black Squirrel Books to check out some punk rock action from Philadelphia's Dark Thoughts; they were joined by local acts Empty Nesters and Liquid Thoughts, a newish quartet featuring Felix from Toxic Thoughts (among others) and Brittany and Kieran from Doxx (among others).

Liquid Assets at Black Squirrel Books

Guitar action with Scott (also of Born Wrong and others)!

Liquid Assets at Black Squirrel Books

Felix sings!

Liquid Assets at Black Squirrel Books

Kieran hits!

Liquid Assets at Black Squirrel Books

Liquid action!

Liquid Assets at Black Squirrel Books

Rhythm action!

Liquid Assets at Black Squirrel Books

Next up, Empty Nesters, with their Sonic Youth-goes-shoegaze squall.

Empty Nesters at Black Squirrel Books

Eric sings!

Empty Nesters at Black Squirrel Books

Rhythm section action with Philip and Robert!

Empty Nesters at Black Squirrel Books

More Robert!

Empty Nesters at Black Squirrel Books

Guitar action!

Empty Nesters at Black Squirrel Books

Finally, Dark Thought, who made me think a bit of Marked Men and Radioactivity. Here's Jim, Daniel and Amy!

Dark Thoughts at Black Squirrel Books

Jim sings!

Dark Thoughts at Black Squirrel Books

Rhythm section action with Daniel and Amy!

Dark Thoughts at Black Squirrel Books

Daniel hits!

Dark Thoughts at Black Squirrel Books

Extra Jim!

Dark Thoughts at Black Squirrel Books

Extra Amy!

Dark Thoughts at Black Squirrel Books

The whole lot!

Dark Thoughts at Black Squirrel Books

Good stuff all around.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

The boys are back in town

Early in March I trekked over to Black Squirrel Books for some punk'n'roll action courtesy of possibly-from-Welland trio Dboy. Local combo The Thrill kicked things off. Here's Mikey and a big chunk of the PA!

The Thrill at Black Squirrel Books

Bass action with Derek!

The Thrill at Black Squirrel Books

The whole lot!

The Thrill at Black Squirrel Books

Balaclava action!

The Thrill at Black Squirrel Books

Kieran hits!

The Thrill at Black Squirrel Books

Rhythm section action!

The Thrill at Black Squirrel Books

More Derek!

The Thrill at Black Squirrel Books

Extra Mikey!

The Thrill at Black Squirrel Books

I get a bit of a Turbonegro vibe from the masked-and-hatted men of Dboy, though the sound is a lot more early than late. Here they make their triumphant entrance!

Dboy at Black Squirrel Books

Three fingers good!

Dboy at Black Squirrel Books

Rhythm section action!

Dboy at Black Squirrel Books

The whole lot!

Dboy at Black Squirrel Books

Percussive action!

Dboy at Black Squirrel Books

Bass action!

Dboy at Black Squirrel Books

Dboy sings!

Dboy at Black Squirrel Books

And so on!

Dboy at Black Squirrel Books

Boyish action!

Dboy at Black Squirrel Books

A fun, fast show!