Thursday, October 26, 2006

Just lookin' for a kiss

Henri Faberge and The Adorables wowed a small crowd last time they played Zaphod's. That time they had lots of crazy stuff on sale at their merch table. This time they were short on crazy stuff but did have a new CD full of excitable, ramshackle pop music and attracted a somewhat larger crowd. They must be Toronto's horniest band, if the lyrics are anything to go by.

Monsieur Henri and Laura Barrett singalong.

Janderton Beauregard looks civil.

If the stage seems a little emptier, it's because a couple of the touring Adorables couldn't make it, alas.

Of course, like all H-Fab shows there's lots of tackling action and shenanigans.

Laura got a little carried away.

There must be an easier way to shake a tambourine.

Laura and Brendan attempt a two-person recreation of their album cover.

A few Bicycles folks ended up on stage - here's Drew Smith, sans B.

Flying clap!

Incidentally, I feel like a bit of a dolt for not realizing that I've seen some of these folks in action prior to their first Zaphod's show ... recognize anyone?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Don't feel like a dolt, Andrew.

    It took me and Henry a whole night and a day to realize that we had met before under more Spitfire circumstances.

    Never under estimate the cloaking power of mutton-chops.
