Thursday, May 09, 2019

Icey what you did there

Annick from Cauchemar has been in the heavy metal game for quite a while now. In addition to her band, she manages the Temple of Mystery label, which released a comp of Canadian metal acts, Trapped Under Ice. Four of them came to House of Targ around the time snow was finally vanishing from Ottawa.. First up was Cauchemar (who will be back June 2 at Mavericks for the Slough Feg show). Here's Annick!

Cauchemar at House of Targ

Bass action with Andre!

Cauchemar at House of Targ

Joel (also of Occult Burial) hits!

Cauchemar at House of Targ

Guitar action with Francois!

Cauchemar at House of Targ

And so on!

Cauchemar at House of Targ

More Annick!

Cauchemar at House of Targ

And so on!

Cauchemar at House of Targ

The whole lot!

Cauchemar at House of Targ

On to Freeways, a Brampton combo with a real 1970s sounds, a la Thin Lizzy and Budgie. Here's frontman Jacob and drummer Sebastian!

Freeways at House of Targ

Guitara ction with Domenic!

Freeways at House of Targ

Bass action with Omar!

Freeways at House of Targ

Flying V action!

Freeways at House of Targ

Rhythm section action!

Freeways at House of Targ

More Sebastian!

Freeways at House of Targ

Extra Jacob!

Freeways at House of Targ

Bonus Domenic!

Freeways at House of Targ

I popped over to Black Squirrel Books briefly to check out Lo Siento (more about that in another post), but returned to Targ in time to catch Occult Burial's very smokey set.

Occult Burial at House of Targ

Bass action with Joel!

Occult Burial at House of Targ

Guitar action with Dan!

Occult Burial at House of Targ

How smokey was it? Let's just say this is my best shot of Dan on drums ... or it could be the Loch Ness Monster, either one.

Occult Burial at House of Targ

It was pretty damn red and smokey for Barrow Wight's set as well. Here's Andrew!

Barrow Wight at House of Targ

Percussive action!

Barrow Wight at House of Targ

Akiva sings!

Barrow Wight at House of Targ

Flying V action!

Barrow Wight at House of Targ

Occult action!

Barrow Wight at House of Targ

Metalian brought the night to an end with a killer set - as always! Here's Ian!

Metalian at House of Targ

Bass action with Andres!

Metalian at House of Targ

Tippy-tappy action!

Metalian at House of Targ

Percussive action with Tony!

Metalian at House of Targ

Flying V action with Simon!

Metalian at House of Targ

A fantastic night of Canadian metal.

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