Saturday, September 07, 2013

Stay up late

Folks who know me well might have heard that I'm taking the cabinet-making course at Algonquin College. That means that instead of getting up around noon (as I did when I was working in the journalism business), I'm now out of bed around 6 a.m. That means fewer late nights, and fewer shows. It also puts a bit of a crimp on my blog updating. All that aside I'm still hoping to get out on the weekend, and that's just what I did Friday night. I headed over to the Dominion Tavern (after planing way too much wood off my bench hook project - oops) to check out Miesha and The Spanks, Deutsche Banks, Voicemail and Pity.

First up were Pity - and I'm going to throw up most of the pictures I took now just because I only snapped five for their super-short and thrashy set.

Pity at the Dominion Tavern
Pity at the Dominion Tavern, September 6, 2013

Bass action!

Pity at the Dominion Tavern
Pity at the Dominion Tavern, September 6, 2013

You'll be seeing more of drummer Stuart Bota Dirts McKay (thanks to Miesha for pointing out my error)

Pity at the Dominion Tavern
Pity at the Dominion Tavern, September 6, 2013

The whole lot! "We should rethink the f---ing masks!"

Pity at the Dominion Tavern
Pity at the Dominion Tavern, September 6, 2013

On to Miesha and The Spanks. There's actually only one Spank, Dirts again. The duo serves up some sassy rock that really made me think of White Mystery, and not just because of the similar lineup.

Meisha and The Spanks at the Dominion Tavern
Miesha and The Spanks at the Dominion Tavern, September 6, 2013

Folks with long memories may recall Miesha singing Ramblin' Rose with The Hot Blood Bombers at a long-ago Rock'N'Roll Pizza Party.

Miesha and The Spanks at the Dominion Tavern
Miesha and The Spanks at the Dominion Tavern, September 6, 2013

Now for the local lads, Voicemail! You've seen them a bunch of times this year on the blog.

Voicemail at the Dominion Tavern
Voicemail at the Dominion Tavern, September 6, 2013

Ken sings!

Voicemail at the Dominion Tavern
Voicemail at the Dominion Tavern, September 6, 2013

Finally, Toronto's Deutsche Banks ripped through a quick set. They made me think of such infamous Toronto bygones as Brutal Knights and Teen Crud Combo. Here's Dirts again!

Deutsche Banks at the Dominion Tavern
Deutsche Banks at the Dominion Tavern, September 6, 2013

Darren Pelcz is an energetic frontman.

Deutsche Banks at the Dominion Tavern
Deutsche Banks at the Dominion Tavern, September 6, 2013

Boy did I need sleep after it was all over ....


  1. thanks for all the photos- it's actually Dirts McKay on drums and bass tho! Not Stuart Bota! He hasn't been on this tour!

  2. Oops, thanks, I'll just fix that ....
