Saturday, June 01, 2013

World of Werbo

I was mighty tempted by the Skeletonwitch/Collider show last night at Mavericks, but when I heard that the mighty Werbo was reconvening, I knew I had to head off to the House of Targ Friday night to check them ut live for what my crumbling memory tells me was the second time (I seem to recall them opening for Guided By Voices at Barrymore's back in 2000). There was a who's who of local musicians in the crowd (not atypical for the shows I go to, but it seemed to be the case more so than usual this time around).

First up, Camp Radio, who were sounding particularly on.

Camp Radio at the House of Targ

Pushing and shoving action!

Camp Radio at the House of Targ

On to Werbo. They brought the sandwiches and pickled eggs (no takers for either) and the awesome indie rock. It was the original trio of Jeff Kainz, Colin Majid and Tom Werbowetski.

Werbo at the House of Targ

They also had Scott Terry up to play on one of the tunes. Here he is with the Marshall stake used t provide all the guitar volume.
Werbo at the House of Targ

They finished things off by massacring Loving Clowns Loving Kittens with some help from Chris Page, Dave Draves and Jim Bryson.

Werbo at the House of Targ

They play tonight in Wakefield at Kaffe 1870.