Sunday, August 07, 2011

The harder they come

I went over to The Rainbow last night to check out a bunch of local hard-rock bands. They all formed about the same time, apparently, but this was the first time all three have shared a stage. In this case, the cause was for the release of The Cowards' Slippery Fox EP.

Celery Troff were playing as I walked in; they must have just started since they played for quite a bit afterward. They played a pretty hot cover of Fang's The Money Will Roll Right In with some help from PLDM's Ty Black.

Celery Troff at The Rainbow
Celery Troff at The Rainbow, August 6, 2011

They also had some folks from The Cowards up for another singalong.

Celery Troff at The Rainbow
Celery Troff at The Rainbow, August 6, 2011

Pretty Little Death Machine played a typically rocking set; I've seen then three times in as many months and have been impressed every time. They covered Nirvana's Breed to crowd-pleasing effect.

Pretty Little Death Machine at The Rainbow
Pretty Little Death Machine at The Rainbow, August 6, 2011

Guitar action!

Pretty Little Death Machine at The Rainbow
Pretty Little Death Machine at The Rainbow, August 6, 2011

The Cowards finished things off; they certainly had their fans in the crowd (and one particularly enthusiastic one on stage with tequila shots) but didn't do much for me. Alcohol may have been involved (or  not enough of it).

The Cowards at The Rainbow
The Cowards at The Rainbow, August 6, 2011

There was also some shirtlessness.

The Cowards at The Rainbow
The Cowards at The Rainbow, August 6, 2011 

Still, mostly enjoyable.

1 comment:

  1. awesome shit man, as if there's a blog for local musicians, that's wicked!
