Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Folkasaurus Rex

Riishi Von Rex made me think of P.J. Harvey when she started things up at Zaphod's November 2, 2009 - P.J. in her less strident moments, anyway. Her set was a pleasantly intense bit of singer-somngwriter stuff.

Riishi Von Rex at Zaphod Beeblebrox

When shooting without a flash at Zaphod's, you really want o be on the side of the blue light.

Riishi Von Rex at Zaphod Beeblebrox

The Gretsch was a new addition to the armory.

Riishi Von Rex at Zaphod Beeblebrox

I can't stay vertical all the time.

Riishi Von Rex at Zaphod Beeblebrox

Stepping back a bit ...

Riishi Von Rex at Zaphod Beeblebrox

One last photo with flash - heaven knows why.

Riishi Von Rex at Zaphod Beeblebrox

Since this show I haven't heard anything, so perhaps she's hibernating over winter.


  1. What lens did you use to shoot sans-flash at Zaphod's?

  2. When I'm shooting without a flash in low light conditions I generally use one of two prime lens; either my 1.8/35mm or 1.8/50mm. The lighting's not great at Zaphod's at the best of times (and when they turn it up there's way too much red), so I'm usually shooting at 3200 ISO and 1/60 of a second. The photos on this post are all on my Flickr with EXIF data, so if you want to find out just what my settings are you can click through to my photostream and check under "more properties" under additional information, on the right hand side.
