Thursday, July 02, 2009

Thus and so

Folks, I've had a week that's been good and bad, starting with a phone call at 4 a.m. Sunday. Never a good sign, 4 a.m. phone calls. This one was to tell me my father had failed to awake from his sleep at the house where he'd been staying with family as part of a tour of family and friends in Ontario and was en route to the Critical Care Unit at the Guelph General Hospital. I was on a plane by noon, at his bedside by 2 p.m., and later that evening in discussions with the doctor and family as to what to do next. Dad cut the conversation short a few minutes before midnight. I just got home Canada Day, thus the lack of all things Gaga. Things may be a little bit chaotic in blogland as my nearest and dearest and I untie the tangles created by sudden death (word to the wise: make sure you know where the SIN of anyone who's looking likely to expire is located), but posting will restart in just a few minutes ....


  1. Andrew, sorry to hear about your father. Don't worry about posting, we'll be here when you get back. Keep well.

  2. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Sorry to hear of your loss.

  3. Thanks Megan, thanks Anonymous.

  4. That is unfortunate, Andrew, stay strong and be there those who need you to be there.
