Thursday, October 23, 2008

Waffle house

September begins with an explosion of pop-garage sweetness down at Popes Lane (I idly wonder if there's any connection with my neighbours in Pope House). The lane's inhabitants were having their Labour Day shindig, replete with inflatable castle, champagne and live entertainment from Ottawa's pancakinest duo, Shanker and Romps.

Merchandising action!

That garage in full!

Duo rocking action!

Romps up close!

Patrick Shanks, not so close!

Singing and drumbing action!

What do you mean, you don't know "You Ain't Nothin' But a Houndog?"

More Romps!

And so on! Note the demise of the banner ... now the band is just Romps.

Then Romps' brother Nathan rolled up on his cruiser and distracted everyone.

One last singalong action shot!

Then I went off to do all the stuff I didn't do because I was on vacation for much of the previous two weeks. They have a show at Irene's on Nov. 7 with Garaga and The Stolen Minks, and another the following day with Canada's first lady of the ukulele, Krista Muir and Milie Croche.


  1. Wow, awesome documenting Mr. Carver!

    The banner may have fallen down but Romps is not half the band Shanker & Romps is!

    Then Nathan and his show-stealing entrances. How could anyone mind sharing the spotlight with Solid Gold and his chopper, Penelope Cruise?

    That was a real sweet day, thanks for bringing it back through the magic of photography and blogging.

    xo Romps

  2. You're welcome ... ah sunny days, we'll never see 'em again this year ...
