Friday, October 13, 2006

We are family

I think the secret of Akron/Family's success is that they're some of the most affable guys around, which gives them an immediate emotional rapport with their audience, and are also capable of kicking out some amazing brain-twisting Americana. Basically they work their way into your confidence and then blow your mind.
They played a super show at Zaphod's earlier in the year, and I was glad to see them back at the First Baptist Church. As at their Zaphod's show, they also set up three chairs for those members not stationed behind a drum kit. Before taking their seats, they parked themselves on the steps that rise up to the "stage" and invited the audience to come up to the front and sit before them.

Perched on the steps, the band performed Love and Space from their latest album. It was as cozy as any campfire singalong. I half-expected them to follow it up with a rendition of Kumbaya.

"The colours make sounds!"

Roof-raising action!

Myles and Ryan kick out the jams.


Some extra drums from Dana.

Rhythm section action!

His bandmates seem to think Ryan Vanderhoof's hair resembles Nuno Bettencourt of Extreme's; they goaded him into singing an overly melodramatic rendition of the pop metal act'’s hit ballad More Than Words. Yikes!

Members of the audience and the Born Ruffians kicking in on percussion and tin whistles.

Seth parades before the audience with potted plants held high.

Singalong action!

Beatbox breakdown action!

The band also rolled out some songs they plan to record in November. An exciting and occasionally hilarious set.

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