Wednesday, March 22, 2006

City boys

Bangkok also played a short set - albeit longer than Embassies of Denmark. I'm probably showing my age when I say I think they sound like a noisier Wire or The Ex.

Steve Donegani has many buttons.

Anthony Minichelli in one of my rare half-decent drummer pictures.

Mark Milloy and Luca Furgiuele.

Steve also sings; he is however not named Jim.

Mark sings; Luca looks alarmed - possibly at Zaphod's ugly ceiling.

Even larger this group photo is too dark.

They're definitely getting a sound together.


  1. Anonymous12:07 AM

    i wonder how you get the names of every band member. it isn't always that available but you manage. must be the journalism skillz.

  2. In this case, I just asked Luca and used Myspace.
