Monday, November 07, 2005

Good and early

Good2Go may have had the most space on the Irene's chalkboard where upcoming shows are declared, but they also played first - drummer Gilles Mantha and guitarist Christian Lapensee had other gigs to perform at, so they had to play and run. They played a really tight set - perhaps because it was a little earlier than they usually hit the stage.

Gilles Mantha sings "You can make it if you try" to start the show - his first of three that night.

Maureen Hogan; I did a lot of flash-bouncing and almost all of it worked out quite nicely indeed.

Christian's rhythm playing was particularly sharp, I thought.

Reg Allen - what, no Beer Truck?!?

Maureen helps out on the percussion.

Shake, shake, shake! "Tambourine lessons, my place, $10 an hour" she says.

Good2Go action!

As you can see from the banner, this was a Ladyfest Ottawa shindig. G2G also have an upcoming show at The Aloha Room on Nov. 23.
  • Show Reminder: I really liked B.A. Johnston's show at The Avant-Garde Bar; he's performing at Zaphod's for one of their free showcase gigs. Immaculate Machine are also on the bill. Vocalist Kathryn Calder has been in the spotlight of late because she's been subbing for Neko Case in her uncle Carl Newman's band, The New Pornographers. Also on the bill: Lure, folk-rockers Mile Over Mecca and Twelve34 (which features Jasen Colson from Kingston Fog on drums and vocals).


  1. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Any idea what time B.A will be playing tonight?

  2. Based on his billing, I'd say second from last, but one-man bands often get stuck playing first, you know? With five bands I imagine things may start early. Unfortunately I'm working late tonight, so I suspect I'll miss the whole thing, dang it.
