Friday, September 02, 2005

What the (fill in the blank)?

The Fucking Machines is made up of a bevy of local musicians collected to play a bunch of hardcore covers and basically rock like it was the early eighties! Another short set, but that's hardcore for you.

In the spirit of eighties hardcore fanzines, I publish this photo of occasional Banditas drummer Colin Vincent in black and white.

John Sproull looks skyward!

Scott Terry and Johnny Nash - from South of 78 to South L.A., perhaps?

Joey Vienneau works the guitar (like Sproull he's also in Run Stop Restore).

Hardcore action! David Jackson at right.

More hardcore action!

They did have an original or two, so who knows, we may see a 10-song 7-inch some day ...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:09 AM

    man..that was like our first show.....what good times!
