Monday, April 11, 2005

Departmental matters

The Department of Foreign Affairs started their set with a very catchy blast of power pop. They hit the ground running - I thought they sounded much better than at their Barrymore's set, but I always did prefer a smaller room (or maybe they're sharp after touring) .

Last time I posted stuff about the Department of Foreign Affairs, I admitted some confusion about who was who guitar-wise (and also flopped Brennan Pilkington's picture). Having consulted with the Department directly, I can now confirm that this is indeed Brennan, and he is indeed the right way 'round.

And this is definitely Rob Skitmore, enjoying the natural light goodness. Also the right way around.

Bassist Chris Teasdale shows his allegiance to the Atlanta Braves (oops, as a comment noted, it's actually the Cleveland Indians). At Barrymore's he was sporting a Buffalo Sabres jersey ... I'm sure there's a rational explanation for his choice of teams, yet I can't think of one ... (post-comment ... nope, I still can't understand it).

Mostly all together ... I failed to get any good pictures of Kosta McKay ... such is the drummer's life. Joe Skuce, centre, on congas.

Their next Ottawa show is June 25 at Zaphod's.


  1. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Not that it really matters...but the bass player is actually wearing a Cleveland Indians hat. I just wanted to clear that I up so I could sleep tonight.

  2. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Try this connection...

    The AAA farm team for the Cleveland Indians is.... The Buffalo Bisons. Buffalo!(Cue the X-Files theme music.)
