Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Grand Canyon

When Montreal's Tricky Woo broke up, it was the end of one of Canada's best hard rock bands. But guitarist Andy Dickson quickly lashed himself to a new group, Soft Canyon, with a serious Pink Floyd jones and some pop swing. They released one album on Alien8, a label generally associated with noise and experimental recordings. Nice package, as on all of that label's releases. And a nice album. It would have been interesting to see how Soft Canyon evolved, but Dickson made up with fellow Woo guitar slinger Adrian Popovich and went back to rocking out across the land (they played a massive show at the Dominion Tavern chronicled on the Birdman site).
Here, then, a brief photographic sojourn of Soft Canyon's brief shining flight.

Andy on guitar. What a hippy.

Jason Tustin of Local Rabbits fame, making the best drummer face ever.

Ryan Myshrall, also a Rabbit.

Guitarist Phil Burns.

I'm saving keyboardist Jason Kent, seen here playing a Rhodes, for last. For one thing, he and Burns formed band named Trailer a year ago, of which I've heard little since ...

... and second, because I have pictures of him in a later incarnation - twanging superbly under the name Dallas Rhodes. The hair's a dead giveaway, innit? (I think it's the same shirt, too.)

And might we see pictures of Sonny Best, Miss Lily Pearl, and the other members of his fine band tomorrow? Indeed we might.