Sunday, March 13, 2005

City slang

And now, the band not named Melbourne. No, they're called Les Psycho Riders, and had the T-shirts to prove it at their March 12 middle slot at Mavericks (Roll Gypsy Roll opened, Shikasta closed). Preliminary buzz made it sound like it was Le Nombre sans Ludwig Wax. Not the case, as the singer-guitarist noted. In fact the only Le Nombre member on staff was Nicolas "Nicotine" Bednarz, and he was playing the drums instead of guitar (I gather he's standing in while the group seeks someone to handle the skins full time). Let's take a look, shall we? You'll notice that in addition to featuring a bunch of good bands with admirable regularity, Mavericks also has some swell curtains for its stage.

Nicotine does the shirtless drumming thing.

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Walking to work is good exercise, and good for the environment!

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Lead guitar, with a sneer, baby!

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Some bands go to extraordinary lengths to stop the kick drum from moving about.

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All bass players should do this sort of thing. Some moves!

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Though their singer begged off on the Le Nombre comparisons, the Riders are still a two-guitar hard rock combo, so they can count on future comparisons. They were good, too.

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