Sunday, August 16, 2009

Same difference

Our Liquor Pig Fest coverage continues with the musical offerings of our hosts, The Stumblers and Vapourizer. If that sounds like a lot of hosts, worry not - the two bands are almost entirely the same.

Aardvark introduction action!

The Stumblers at Liquor Pig Fest

Everybody ready?

The Stumblers at Liquor Pig Fest

Singalong action!

The Stumblers at Liquor Pig Fest

Tim sings!

The Stumblers at Liquor Pig Fest

Even more singing along!

The Stumblers at Liquor Pig Fest

There were not many rhythm section pictures for this set.

The Stumblers at Liquor Pig Fest

Vapourizer - who in certain lights look awfully similar to The Stumblers - began their set with some telecommunication.

Vapourizer at Liquor Pig Fest

Drinking action!

Vapourizer at Liquor Pig Fest

I sneaked in via the side door so I could actually get a photo of the drummer - Richard, that is - this time around.

Vapourizer at Liquor Pig Fest

keyboard action!

Vapourizer at Liquor Pig Fest

Fifty-fifty plugging action!

Liquor Pig Fest 50-50

Vapourizer siblings be warned - you may be pressganged into singing along.

Vapourizer at Liquor Pig Fest

It's a good thing that Chris of The Stumblers agreed to sing along as well, or there'd be no photos of the guy who did most of the cooking.

Vapourizer at Liquor Pig Fest

I don't know if Vapourizer has any upcoming gigs (they're infrequent at the best of times) but I'll go out on a limb and suggest they'll get together again for LPF 2010.
  • Show reminder: Trevor James and The Perfect Gentlemen and Chris Rayburn perform at Zaphod Beeblebrox; Solomon Dean and TOZ play The Rainbow. Cauldron, Striker, Aggressor and Joe Thresher flex their metal might at Mavericks.

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