Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The better half

I'm thinking of adding a second brilliant theory of band names to my hypothesis that bands with "city" in their name are invariably either psychedelic bands, or garage rockers if there's an adjective in front of the "city"; theory No. 2 is that bands with "girlfriends" or "girls" in them are usually all guys (e.g., The Mystery Girls) ... but then I thought of the Vivian Girls and realized it wasn't so. Anyway, The Girldfriends are indeed all guys, and play a lo-fi garage pop of the sort that appeals to Reatards and Black Lips fans.

My first photos turned out a little freaky ... it looks like Pierre Richardson's flash went off ... perhaps the opposite number of this photo is included in his own Flickr set from the night. Wolfgang is the chap with the guitar, Sammy is on drums.

Nigel was the only one whose guitar was actually plugged into anything. He also noted in a comment earlier that his hat now "smells like fire." Theories, anyone?

Sammy models the avian look.

Singalong action!

Unplugged action!

Sammy takes the microphone.

Wolfgang goes skully.

The whole lot!

I think Wolfgang's mask is starting to slip ... it was all a facade!

And one more Sammy shot for no particular good reason.

After this Wolfgang decided to smash up the guitar he was miming with and throw some eggs at Nigel. Nigel responded to this provocation with a little sibling fisticuffs. "Can you see my bloody lip?" Nigel asked me afterward. "He's damn strong ... I wouldn't have fought him if I wasn't drunk." Their next scheduled show is at the Gaga Weekend on June 13 at Yogi's, but they say they'll play in your shower.


  1. Awesome! Thanks Andrew!

  2. It was all great up to the knee-bashing, and that's well on its way back to 100% functionality.
