Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I spend a year or so managing to avoid seeing Cold Coffee and Salty Boots despite my best efforts , than all of a sudden I catch them twice in the space of just a few weeks - 'twas ever thus. Anyway, for this occasion the group was down to a three-piece but still sounding swell.

Mark McIntyre has sole, plus the whole rest of the salty boot.

There's something up with that Babylon ceiling.

Must be!

Singalong action!

Rhythm section action!

Shouting action!

Mark in red.

The whole lot.

Patrick gets all Gene Vincenty.

Mark goes down, Jason reads.

Now for their next show (whenever that is) I want to see the whole lineup.


  1. Thanks Andrew. The next show is this Saturday the 18th at the Clocktower on Bank with Krista Muir, Lederhosen Lucil (a grand return) and Merle Knurling and The Silent K. Also, more odd videos. Cheers!

  2. Thanks - I knew it was soon, but couldn't find a listing.
