Sunday, April 05, 2009

Fill the dancefloor

There was rump-shaking aplenty at Irene's last night as The Von Drats, Shanker and Romps and Mississippi Grover attracted a dancing-room only crowd to their sweaty gig. When I walked in out of the snow and rain the door the window of Irene's was clouded with condensation and my glasses fogged over immediately. I had to follow the sound of Shanker and Romps kicking off their set with Big Fenders to make my way to the back of the pub. It was pretty muggy back there.

Along with paeans to the Arboretum (which I later heard Jason Vaughn of Cold Coffee and Salty Boots singing it in the bathroom downstairs), birdwatching and bicycles, the duo debuted their new and appropriately named tune Rocking With Romps.

Shanker and Romps, Irene's, April 4, 2009

Up next was Patrick Shanks' former Knurling associate Greg Watson, a.k.a. Mississippi Grover, with a fine selection of tunes documenting the living dead, the soon-to-be-dead living, voodoo, witch doctoring (a cover of the John Mayall tune) and Merle Travis' Roll On Mississippi.

Mississippi Grover, Irene's, April 4, 2009

The Von Drats closed things off with an active set of surf and instrumental tunes, some complaints over the Evil Farm Children's alleged demolition of Peterborough venue The Spill's only Nintendo machine and a cover of The Bag I'm In (Fred Neil, no doubt via some grotty garage gremlins or H.P. Lovecraft) and The Belairs' Mr. Moto (among others). Apart from the gogo-dancing of Holly Von Drat, there was also plenty of twisting on the dancefloor.

The Von Drats, Irene's, April 4, 2009

The audience demanded and received an encore. A fine way to spend a Saturday evening.


  1. Thanks again, Andrew. You're a solid sender.

    Your pal,

  2. Anonymous2:13 PM

    See the Von Drats at the Elmdale, opening for Buzz Deluxe on May 29.

  3. Anonymous10:18 PM

    "Up next was Patrick Shanks for Knurling associate Greg Watson, a.k.a. Mississippi Grover..."

    Huh? Once again?

  4. Should have read "Patrick Shanks' former Knurling associate." So now it does.

  5. Nice photos, Andrew! Thanks man.

    - Mississippi Grover

  6. Agree with Grover and Shanker: solidly sent Mr. C!

  7. is always an amazing time playing in Ottawa. Shanker and Romps are 2 of the nicest and generous people we have shared the stage with (sorry for not going to the diner with you Romps...we really did have to get up at 7:30am to get back to Toronto). Mississippi Grover is the coolest one man band we have ever crossed paths with. It's amazing to see him in action with a responsive and engaging audience to play for. Great pics, incredible night. Irene's Pub feels like home, and so does Ottawa!!!

    Thanks for the cool write-up for the gig!

    Dave von Drat (aka Aunt Beazy)

  8. Thanks all ... more photos and witless commentary to come as usual.
