Tuesday, September 02, 2008

In our garage

About a year ago, while attending a Labour Day baseball game, Rebecca "Romps" Comeau and Patrick "Shanker" Shanks decided to form a band, in a striking coincidence, they played a Labour Day party down on Popes Lane (near Browns Inlet in the Glebe). I didn't have a camera for their first-ever show at Irene's, but at least I was packing for their first anniversary gig. My usual photographic environs is a club with insufficient light, so an actual garage at 3 p.m. was a nice change, with only minor grief due to the contrast between sun and shade. Shanker and Romps had a tie-die background for their set, along with a Romps-made sign that fluttered to the ground due to insufficient duct tape. You have to imagine that while S&R are playing there's a bunch of kids bouncing up and down in an inflated castle while a curly-haired dog chips in the occasional howl.

Shanker and Romps, Popes Lane, September 1, 2008

I stuck around for a bunch of bouncy rock, but had to split to prepare myself for my belated return to work tomorrow.


  1. Thanks for attending our bandiversary. You missed the songs about ducks and kites. But it was super cool to see you. Hope you enjoyed the neighborhood. Neato!

  2. Thanks for moseying by Andrew, it was great to see you at the party.

  3. Thanks for inviting me - that part of town is actually my old stomping ground, since I grew up on Oakland Ave, just the other side of the inlet.
