Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Mix and match

My one day off this week was last night, and since the only show I could find was at Zaphod's (I learned about the Sadie Hell/Eastborough gig at The Manx just minutes ago, alas) I decide to swing by and check out some bands of which I knew nothing. The show was a third birthday bash for local promo thingermajig Kimmy Rocks. The opener was Paul Hinger, about whom I still know very little since I was too late to catch his set.

I did catch all of Clepto, who played jammy punk-ska. I don't know if that's their regular sound - the band's lead guitarist is off in Montreal. The started things off with a rendition of Fuck the Police. Apparently rhythm guitarist Alex had a close encounter of the legal kind a couple of weeks ago.

Next up were Electronic and Western, who bill them selves as a duo who combine country-folk sounds with electronica. They did have a drum machine, some piano sounds and as you can see from the photo below, a few guests, including Hinger on didjeridoo. It's an offshoot (or something like that) of the Art Burn Project.

Finally there was Ty Hall and the EZ3. Pysiedius couldn't make it, I guess. Hall and Co. play blues-funk-reggae stuff - not really my cup of tea, but they're a pretty together unit. As far as I can tell from the band's songs, their interests break down to 95% romancing the ladies and 5% shooting sheriffs (but not deputies).

I'll post more (and frankly better) photos later on when time allows and I'm less sleepy.

1 comment:

  1. hey man!

    thanx so much for the great pictures and the captions.

    really admire how well and fast you work man!!

    keep it up!!

