Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Back in the saddle

They say pictures don't lie. This wasn't true, even before the days of Adobe Photoshop, but the brand-spankin' new pictures below are pretty solid evidence that I have my camera back. I shall not dwell upon the almost four months it took the company that oversaw my warranty to figure out whether they were repairing or replacing it. I'll just say a quick thanks to the speedy and ever-competent work done by the good people at Nortown Photo Service (next time something breaks, I'm just sending it to them and to hell with the warranty) and move on to last night's show at End Hits: A rare chance for The Hi Lo Trons to perform before an all-ages crowd.

First up on stage (okay, floor) was Giant Hand, a.k.a. Kirk Ramsay, with some fragile folk. He seemed a bit nervous. This was his first show and I only caught the last couple of songs, including one he just wrote to stretch out the set.

Giant Hand

The Immaculate Machine were passing through town on their way to other gigs and did an impromptu show. Brooke had laryngitis, so they tried to confine themselves to songs with only three or four notes.

The Immaculate Machine

Finally The Hi Lo Trons bounced their way through a quick set, including tunes from their upcoming album.

Hi Lo Trons

A good and much-photographed show. Immaculate Machine will of course be back March 21 to perform with Ladyhawk at Zaphod's. The Hi Lo Trons have their CD release show at Barrymore's April 4.


  1. Anonymous11:45 AM

    I'm glad you (finally) got yer camera back, Andrew - wooohoo new pictures!

  2. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Glad to see you have your camera back Andrew - my daily web surfing has been suffering.

