Monday, November 19, 2007

To the aid of the party

Curse those cosmic rays! One of them winged my camera's sensor a short while ago. It's currently in Mississauga while the techies give it a once over - or perhaps I should say while the warranty folks decide whether it's worth repairing or just buy me a new one. So don't go expecting much in the way of live photography for a while yet. All of which brings me to Ukrainia, pictured below on July 8 rocking at the River Stage during Bluesfest 2007.

The band is holding a birthday shindig for drummer Tom Werbowetski at the Avant-Garde. Elsewhere, Blue Reverb and Deep Red Meteor perform at Zaphod Beeblebrox.


  1. HOw am I chronically in the wrong place at the wrong time?

  2. I'm missing these shows since I'm still in transit recovery, so don't ask me ...
