Sunday, April 29, 2007

The pleather is all thine

No, this isn't a post about the Brutal Knights. Nor have I acquired a lisp (or I should say, a worse lisp) . It's about the opening act in the evening of musical adultery from the men of Harshey, featuring the various members' "other" bands. Elbeejay features two former members of Pleather, to wit Harshey bassist Larry "Lars" Russell and Brendan Allistone. Nero drummer Jay McConnery rounds out the combo. I hadn't heard either Pleather or Elbeejay before this evening, though I did stumble across a blurb saying the former paid tribute to both Van Halen and The Rheostatics. I could hear some of The Rheostatics in Elbeejay's music, if you can imagine The Rheos stripped of all their messing about and with some added smart alec wit. And Brendan is definitely an excellent guitar player.

Brendan; I'd quite forgotten he was one of Damo Suzuki's backing band the first time the former Can man rolled through town.

Jay McConnery switches jam for pop.

And of course Larry.

Un-presidential action!

Ashley Newall, Brendan's mate in the appropriately named Ashley Newall Band, helps out on backing vocals and text messaging (for Text Message Girlfriend, of course).

And some last-minute kicks.

Mighty swell!

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to drop a line to say I like your blog ! I discovered it randomly and became a regular reader !!! Thanks for the pics !!!

    Cheers !
