Friday, February 23, 2007

Numbers game

Like Sleeping Pilot, For the Mathematics are an action-packed outfit. Their music is both brainy and energetic. I quite enjoyed The New Science EP when I got a copy to review at the Ottawa Sun (back when I did that sort of thing), but hadn't had a chance to catch them live before this past Valentine's Day. Unfortunately the crowd had petered out a bit before they hit the stage, so some folks missed an entirely killer set.

Robb howls.

Bassist Liam realizes it's all in how you point your toes.

Nate takes his guitar out for a quick run.

Clayton can also be seen playing guitar in Jetplanes of Abraham (not Amos the Transparent as I said originally - I can't keep these collectives straight).

Wish I'd taken a more exciting picture of Mike. Oh well.

Mathematical action!

Feedback action! (There was quite a bit of it.)

Scary vocalist rampage! Aaaah!

And so on!

Up, up and away!

Very cool.


  1. Anonymous11:14 AM

    did you see the black sheep inn show?

  2. I have no transport up to the Black Sheep Inn, so I can't usually get to those shows ... I worked that night anyway.

  3. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Clayton's in Jetplanes of Abraham, not Amos The Transparent!
