Monday, August 07, 2006

So so solid sound

When you team a bunch of Knurlings, a Weapon of Mass Seducation, a Daydreaming Square and a Jezebel, you end up with Ottawa's latest teen dance party sensation - The Solid Senders! These crazy kids get their kicks from R&B and hep beat sounds.

First some introducing from John, assorted thanks and praise for CKCU, etc.!

Marie Pop!

Eric Espig!

Tim Matthews!

Patrick Shanks and Jake Heartbreak!

Jake Heartbreak! And Mary! And the shadowy figure of Eric.

Kicking action!

Backup singing action!

Lip curling action!

Solid action!

The whole bunch.

Gee whillikers, there's even an inscrutable set list for your delectation.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:42 PM

    I like the kicking one - it should be made into a poster/record cover, methinks.
