Saturday, June 10, 2006

None more black

Sweet Janes' last show as a five-piece was at Irene's. They had been banned from the Glebe Pub for allegedly causing damage to the ceiling. The frontline came all in black, making it quite difficult to get a good picture since the autfocus finds it hard to get a lock ... they're like the stealth fighters of punk, I tell you.

Here's Carl - don't forget to pack some DEET for that trip to Winnipeg, Captain!

Chris didn't have the shirt, but he did have the glasses ...

Grady even bought a black tambourine.

Janes action!

Sounded good, and there was no noticeable ceiling damage.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Hey thanks for coming out Andrew.The pictures look real rad.

