Tuesday, May 02, 2006

That time again

Last time I saw The Long Timers was in January and they were short a member (Rene was off visiting family). They played longer (and harder) this time around. They were stoked to be opening for C'mon again. I'm also kind of pleased with the way these pictures turned out - particularly once I remembered to turn the flash on (if you want to know what The Long Timers look like sans flash, click here). So let's get this show on the road!

Justin waves the mop.

Greg keeps his guitar at his trademark 80-degree pitch.

Johnny made his AC/DC shirt in the parking lot of the then-Corel Centre when the band played there - AC/DC, that is.

I managed to take not one, but two good pictures of J.P. It's a Christmas miracle!

I was looking at Rene's bass during the show and thinking "Man, he's been wailing the heck out of that thing to get it so worn." After checking out the band's bios I realized that its condition is due to it having survived not one but two generations of LeClairs - it's a 1957 P-bass he got from his dad.

Action of the rocking variety!

Having played both bass and guitar in the Long Timers, Johnny tries to branch out into drumming.

I hear tell they'll be playing the Lefty McRighty CD release show at Mavericks (not The Dom as I originally said) ... when that is I don't know.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet! Looking good, boys! (or bad, if you prefer)
