Sunday, May 14, 2006

Eight is enough

Bands to see in one night, that is. My first stop on Saturday was the Montgomery Legion Hall on Kent where local photographer Paul Galipeau was holding a show featuring five bands. First up, Expatriate, who really ladled on the feedback.

Sudbury's Varge played an active set.

Vancouver's Doers have a new drummer and less facial hair then when I saw them at Babylon ("Where we played to two people" they said - I forgot who the other person was ...) but still sounded great.

Then it was faceoff time as hometown boys Quebexico did battle with Toronto's DD.MM.YYYY.

Everything wrapped up around 11 p.m., so I had plenty of time to go a block to Babylon and catch Andrew Vincent starting off a triple bill with The Banditas and Detective Kalita, who were there to celebrate the release of their new CD on Kelp, The Michael Parks.

A fine way to spend six hours or so, but man are my feet tired. Come to think of it, so is the rest of me.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Thank you very much for coming to the show last night Andrew. your photos turned out really well. long live low, white ceilings!
