Wednesday, December 21, 2005

All Saints

I zipped over to the Avant-Garde Bar on Thursday in hopes of catching Kat Burns; unfortunately she had completed her set by the time I arrived about 10 p.m. At least I got there in time to catch the lion's share of Steve St. Pierre's performance. It was very energetic singer-songwriter stuff. There was a good-sized, enthusiastic crowd too.

Steve St. Pierre in profile ...

His backing band is The Aldermen: Alex Seguin on drums, Luke Duross on bass and Michael Deluca on guitar. This group clapping was near the end.

Seguin works on his Material.

I suspect Duross and Deluca do not have the same tailor.

He did a few solo songs after it got past the bed time of the hotel guests across the way, and filled a request to play Neil Young and a request not to play Dave Matthews.

He has an EP entitled Self-Titled EP which means that ironically it isn't self-titled. A full-length is planned for 2006. I see from a recent discussion of the Avant-Garde on the website that he contemplates a fundraiser to get the joint a PA upgrade - a very worthy cause, if it ever gets off the ground.
  • Show reminder: Manpower hold a seasonal extravaganza at The Aloha Room, with an assist from Luke Nuclear in Manadian Idol. Already, I am afraid ...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:40 AM


    Great shots. If there's any way to get these images (in hi-res) e-mailed to me, that would be fantastic. Thanks again for the support.

