Thursday, February 24, 2005

Glads all over

The final Outlaw Astronomer (unless there was someone else at Club SAW hiding away in a corner) is Nate Hurlow; Nate also plays bass in The Glads and guitar with The Fortunate Sons. Here he is playing guitar with The Glads at the same show as the much-earlier Midways picture.

Originally I was going to use a photo of him playing with The Desecrators at that group's reunion show but you can see it, and other Desecrators pictures from that gig, at The Birdman Sound website. One Desecrators photo you won't see there is this one of Tim Matthews - a rare, "no red eye" picture of the Halfmilers, Mono Hum and Glads drummer.

Might as well throw you a picture of the other two members of The Glads: At left, Jim Sproull, and on the right, Patrick Shanks.

Jim also plays in Run Stop Restore with his identical twin brother John. They're playing at a benfit for the Ottawa Peace and Environment Resource Centre, along with Andrew Vincent and the Pirates, The Hi Lo Trons and The Bazaar, of whom I know naught. That's March 5 at Irene's - the same day The Sadies are in town, unfortunately.


  1. Anonymous11:21 AM

  2. Oops! Well, link fixed, and soon to be added to the blogroll. Thanks.
